Not for the faint of heart, our new Skull Air Cleaner kits are a vile and sinister addition to any ride. The outer cover is a high-strength, extremely rigid composite material, chrome plated for killer good looks. These kits are complete with a K&N high-flow filter element as well as any necessary brackets and hardware required for a quick and easy installation. Carburetor re-jetting is required and the necessary jets are included for your convenience.
Note: These kits contain an all-chrome Skull Air Cleaner, mounting kit and carburetor jetting necessary for a complete, clean installation. For optimum performance and driveability on fuel injected motorcycles, we strongly recommend use of an electronic fuel injection controller such as the Cobra Fi2000, Power Commander, or The Techclusion TFi unit.
Fits XVS650 Dragstar 98 & Up
(We recommend that aircleaner installation and jetting on the DragStar be performed by a Yamaha Dealer or other qualified technician.)