Harley Davidson Fatboy saddlebag supports 06 + Harley fatboy 200 rear tyre saddlebag supports Renegadesaddlebag supports Harley Fatboy 200 wide tyre size 06 up.
Saddlebag supports ensure that the bags are secured and do not go into your rear wheel additionally we do saddlebag clips that stop bags moving up and down and back and forwards perfect for Zip off bags ! Mike 01773835666
Harley Davidson Fatboy saddlebag supports 06 + Harley fatboy 200 rear tyre saddlebag supports Renegadesaddlebag supports Harley Fatboy 200 wide tyre size 06 up.Protect your Luggage, Renegade sturdy Chrome Saddlebag Supports price per pair Example Picture Shown. Top quality belgian made .allows bags not be fitted with out joiner ie do not touch rear fender ideal for bikes with solorack .